As members of the body of Christ, we remain steadfast in strengthening His body through acts of love and service, by being intentional about uniting all people of our community through care and respect.
We envision and commit to creating an environment of peace and hope, where healing and reconciliation can take place.
We gather together to worship in the name of Jesus Christ and to pray for God’s wisdom, protection and favor over our city and its leadership.
We freely invite friends and neighbors to join us as we expand the Kingdom of God, and see Jesus get his full reward!
To bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost in our community through kindness, compassion and intentional acts of service - and as one body, declare that Jesus Christ alone is the Lord over Lakeville.
And we co-labor with passionate followers of Christ in our city, expanding His Kingdom so Jesus gets His full reward!
WE BELIEVE the Bible is both the Old and New Testament inspired by God. The Bible is complete and inerrant in the original writings-needing nothing added or subtracted. God’s word is absolute truth, our final authority in faith and life, and our guidebook for daily inspirational living.
WE BELIEVE there is only one God, eternally existing in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, is both true God and true man. He is now seated in the heavenly realms interceding on our behalf with the Father.
WE BELIEVE man was created in the image of God; that he sinned, and thereby incurred not only a physical death, but also a spiritual death -which is separation from God. We believe that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, sinners in thought, word and deed and in need of a Savior.
WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus was crucified, shed His blood, and died for all our sins-past, present and future according to the Scriptures. All who believe in Him and repent of their sins are washed clean, restored and made holy in His sight through the shedding of Christ’s blood.
WE BELIEVE on the third day Jesus’s body was resurrected from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. He ascended into Heaven. He is preparing an eternal life there for all who believe in Him. He is our King, High Priest and Advocate.
WE BELIEVE the return of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is personal and imminent.
WE BELIEVE that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God, our heavenly Father.
WE BELIEVE the power and presence of the Holy Spirit is just as alive and vibrant now as it was in days of old according to John 14:12
WE BELIEVE there is a Heaven and a hell, and in the end, there will be a bodily resurrection of the just and unjust. There will be everlasting life with Jesus in Heaven for the saved, and an everlasting punishment for the lost in hell.
WE BELIEVE that our salvation is the entry point-not the destination to life in the Kingdom. As Christians saved by God’s grace, it is our responsibility and privilege through love, to boldly share the good news of Christ’s love and salvation to all our spheres of influence declaring Jesus Christ is Lord over every situation.